What are the electric mosquito nets ? Mosquito nets are the latest generation of insect exterminators can eliminate the annoying flying insects that bite you while you're falling asleep and , above all, in the summer do not give you tregua. Attract insects through the use of ultraviolet lamps and eliminate them by electric shock. In practice, the mosquitoes once close to the lamp , which emits lights magic , are sucked by a fan that does not kill them but stuns and deposits them in a cage , a removable and washable. What to consider before buying? First, the type of engine , better if the latest generation because it has a very reduced energy consumption , the power and the radius of action . Why buy it? Does not convey noxious odors such as those issued by the coils , consumes little power , is absolutely not harmful to humans and the environment when used in the sun, light and air , and conforms to the European Community in the field of security . So it recommended to those who have a business.